How Packaging Testing Is Designed To Protect Consumer Goods
Are you like millions of other consumers who place an online order and eagerly wait for your goods without thinking about the behind-the-scenes processes that take place to get the package to your doorstep safely? Conscientious companies consider customers’ needs and how to safely package materials so that products arrive undamaged. In fact, Amazon, noted as the world’s best business, set up packing certification guidelines so that vendors can reduce package waste and shipping costs, all while protecting the products being shipped.

Amazon Packaging
In an effort to help its vendors, Amazon created the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network, which makes up more than 40 businesses dedicated to helping Amazon vendors supply, design and test packaging so that it meets the packaging certification setup by Amazon. However, Amazon APASS testing is not the pioneer in packaging testing. For decades companies have been using state-of-the-art testing equipment to ensure … Read more