Category: Healthy Food

Unraveling the Impact of Unhealthy Food Choices

In today’s modern society, the prevalence of unhealthy food options is ubiquitous, tempting individuals with tantalizing flavors, convenience, and affordability. However, indulging in these foods often comes at a steep price, as they are typically laden with excessive calories, sugar, sodium, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives. Consuming such foods regularly can wreak havoc on one’s health, contributing to a myriad of chronic diseases and compromising overall well-being. Let’s explore the detrimental effects of unhealthy eating habits and delve into strategies for making healthier food choices.

The Rise of Processed and Fast Foods

The proliferation of processed and fast foods has revolutionized the modern food landscape, offering convenience and instant gratification at the expense of nutritional quality. These foods are often highly processed, stripped of essential nutrients, and loaded with preservatives, artificial flavors, and additives to enhance shelf life and palatability. Common examples include sugary snacks, deep-fried fare, sugary beverages, … Read more

Understanding Pica

What is Pica?

Pica is a condition that causes people to eat non-food substances that have no nutritional value and some that can actually be harmful to them especially in substantial amounts.  It can affect children and adults alike of either gender at any age and be linked to both physical and mental health conditions.  People with pica will still eat a normal diet in addition to the non-food substance that they crave, and it can go undiagnosed if they eat non harmful items like ice.  It’s believed to be relatively common, but experts aren’t sure as research studies can have different definitions of the condition, and many cases go unreported.


There isn’t a single known cause for developing pica, but there are several things that can lead to its development.  It’s believed that anaemia, caused by iron deficiency in pregnant women can cause

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9 Foods That Do More Harm Than Good To Our Bodies

9 Foods That Do More Harm Than Good To Our Bodies

Brown bread is less unhealthy than white bread but is plentiful in unhealthy preservatives

As the importance of eating healthy and organic has recently, so has misinformation on the same. The need to consume fresh, healthy, and unprocessed foods has in various healthy food options. However, these ‘healthy’ food alternatives may not be as healthy as you may think.

Various foods marketed as healthy may cause more harm to our bodies than good. Although some of these foods are healthier than traditionally unhealthy foods, they might not provide us with enough nutrients. In this article, we discuss various foods that might appear healthy but do more harm to us than good.

9 ‘healthy’ foods that are causing us more harm than good:

1. Granola bars

Granola bars have emerged as a healthy snack but that is untrue. Most granola bars are abundant in butter, sugar, preservatives, vegetable oil, molasses,

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High costs means kids are missing out on healthy food

Will Boddington / 04 August 2022

fruit vegies1

Kids in childcare are not being fed enough fruit, grains and veggies according to a Geelong study of menus in 18 Victorian centres.

A Deakin University study found only one met nutrition guidelines, while over a third were not offering enough fruit.

Lead author Audrey Elford, said it was concerning that only one of the childcare centers in the study met food standard guidelines.

“We know there is a concern among childcare providers that ‘healthy menus’, which include more fruits and vegetables, will cost more because of the rising cost of these foods,” Ms Elford said.

“Many people also believe that healthy food will just be wasted because of a mistaken belief that children prefer to eat less healthy food options.”

The study’s found the rising cost of healthy food is making it harder for childcare centered to offer enough fruit.

Ms Elford said

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‘I Lost 190 Lbs. In 3.5 Years By Making These Healthy Food Swaps And Getting Into Running’

My name is Faith Sloop (@trainingforamazing), and I am 23 years old. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, and I am a content creator. Competing on The Amazing Race became my goal and motivation. It pushed me to start incorporating more nutritious foods into my diet and running every week. I’ve lost 190 pounds.

Before my current weight loss journey, I counted calories, restricted, and watched my weight for as long as I can remember. Growing up low-income and busy (I wanted to be in every club), cheap fast food was most of what was accessible and convenient.

All my life I had been in the diet cycle—restricting and binging—over and over. By the time I was 16, I had gained and lost the same 10 pounds what felt like a million times. After a certain point, I stopped weighing myself.

I remember during my freshman year of college,

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