Month: November 2022

Understanding Pica

What is Pica?

Pica is a condition that causes people to eat non-food substances that have no nutritional value and some that can actually be harmful to them especially in substantial amounts.  It can affect children and adults alike of either gender at any age and be linked to both physical and mental health conditions.  People with pica will still eat a normal diet in addition to the non-food substance that they crave, and it can go undiagnosed if they eat non harmful items like ice.  It’s believed to be relatively common, but experts aren’t sure as research studies can have different definitions of the condition, and many cases go unreported.


There isn’t a single known cause for developing pica, but there are several things that can lead to its development.  It’s believed that anaemia, caused by iron deficiency in pregnant women can cause

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How to buy a scale?


Many people are starting a healthier lifestyle these days. People are starting to lose weight and want to get rid of excess weight, in addition there are those who actually want to have more muscles. A healthy lifestyle is very important to have and this of course includes a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Most people who are working on losing weight and gaining muscle want to know how much they weigh. In addition, it is very important to weigh yourself regularly so that you can keep an eye on your weight. Motivation is also very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and you can get a lot of motivation from weighing. Do you also want to weigh yourself regularly? Then, of course, you need to have a scale, but this can be very tricky.

Buying a scale is very difficult and this is because of the wide range … Read more

What You Need to Know About Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion will be an option for people interested in achieving a clear, glowing complexion. It is a non-surgical, painless procedure that stimulates collagen production. Before you make an appointment, you should know what to expect. The treatment itself will last between 30 minutes and an hour. It is also relatively inexpensive.

Treatment takes 30 minutes to one hour

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that improves the overall health of the skin. It can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and increase collagen production for a more radiant complexion. The microdermabrasion Virginia Beach requires no downtime and has minimal side effects. The treatment takes 30 minutes to one hour and uses a crystal microdermabrasion device. It is a relatively painless procedure that a dermatologist typically performs. Treatment is usually scheduled seven to 14 days apart. Depending on the severity of your skin, a single session can last 30 minutes to an hour. … Read more